

In accordance with the United States Department of Education (USDOE) Seton Hill University has established a Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) which commenced with the 2011-2012 academic year. This federally mandated policy establishes the guidelines and regulations under which a student may continue to receive federal student financial aid. 


  • PELL Grants
  • SEO Grants
  • Federal Direct Subsidized Loans
  • 联邦直接无补贴贷款
  • 联邦直接父母加贷款

The policy mandates a review of a student's attempted and earned credits as well as the cumulative GPA at the conclusion of each term (fall, spring and summer). All students who are or might be eligible for federal aid will be reviewed and evaluated each term by records in the Registrar's Office. 这个SAP政策适用于所有在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台的本科在读学生. 


  1. 平均绩点(质素标准)
    • 1-29累计学分.00 cumulative GPA
    • 累计获得30-59学分.50 cumulative GPA
    • 累计获得60-89学分.75 cumulative GPA
    • 90+ cumulative credits earned 2.00 cumulative GPA

  2. 累计获得学分/累计尝试学分(数量标准)
    Students are required to earn 67% of all credits attempted to meet the requirements of the quantitative standard of the federal and institution SAP policy. All courses with a passing or failing grade will be counted as credits attempted as well as all courses with a designation of W, WF, WP, I, P, 在西顿·希尔的成绩单上. 所有通过的课程将被计入学分. At the end of each term (fall, spring and summer), 每个学生都有一个完成率(获得的学分数/尝试的学分数)。. 

满足SAP政策的要求, 如前所述,学生必须同时满足这两个标准. Students who meet both requirements will be considered to be in compliance with the federal SAP policy to receive aid for the subsequent term. 

All students who fail to meet either of the SAP standards at the end of a term will receive a "Financial Aid Warning" letter from the Financial Aid Office. 这封信将通过电子邮件和美国邮政发送到永久家庭地址. 这些学生在下一个学期将继续有资格获得联邦援助. 在下一个学期结束时, 如果学生没有达到SAP的标准, 她/他将收到书面通知,说明他/她不符合标准的原因, the consequences (i.e.(失去联邦资助),以及学生有哪些选择. 

Any student who fails to meet the SAP standards after this "warning" term will be notified by letter by the Financial Aid Office. 学生有权对其SAP不合格提出上诉. 有关如何上诉的细节将包括在信中. 学生将被要求以书面形式说明未能达到要求标准的原因.g., death of a close relative, injury, illness, or other extraordinary circumstances that prevented the student from attending classes and/or successfully completing the coursework). The student must also state what has changed or will change that will enable her/him to meet the SAP standards at the next evaluation. This appeal must be submitted within 5 days of receipt of the notification letter of failure to meet the SAP requirements. 学生还必须向财政援助办公室提交证明文件, Seton Hill University, Greensburg, PA 15601, 有关未能取得令人满意进展的情况. 文件可以包括医疗人员的陈述等项目, 医疗机构的记录, 了解情况的教员或管理人员的陈述, etc. 


  • Appeal Approval - If the appeal is approved, 该学生将获得经济援助试用期,并有资格在随后的一个学期获得联邦援助. 作为上诉批准的一部分,学生将被要求满足特定要求(例如.g. attendance at tutoring sessions, 写作中心服务的使用, enrollment in specific courses, etc.). 所有这些规定将在批准通知中明确说明. 
  • Appeal Denial - If the appeal is denied, the student will be notified in writing as to the reason for the denial and what options are available to the student for future coursework. 联邦援助将不会继续,直到在未来的任期内达到SAP标准. 

Any questions on the federal financial aid SAP policies should be directed to the Financial Aid Office at (724) 830-1010 located in room 104 in the Administration Building. 

请注意,这是一个财政援助满意的学术进步政策. 西顿希尔大学的“良好学术地位”政策可以在 Seton Hill University Catalog.


The Pennsylvania State Grant program sets its own standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students receiving a Pennsylvania State Grant. 这项政策要求全日制学生必须在一学年内至少获得24个新学分. 获得宾夕法尼亚州立大学助学金的非全日制学生, 一学年最少修满12个新学分. 以前成绩为D或以上的重修课程不计入新学分. 如果学生退课或不及格, 在重复课程中获得的学分只能计入一次学术进步.  Students who have not achieved Pennsylvania State Grant SAP will be ineligible for Pennsylvania State Grants until they have earned additional credits to demonstrate Pennsylvania State Grant SAP. 通常这是在随后的学期中实现的.

Any additional credits must be non-developmental and must be earned from an approved Pennsylvania State Grant or Federal Title IV institution in order to be considered toward Pennsylvania State Grant SAP. The Financial Aid Office must review official college transcripts with final grades to determine Pennsylvania State Grant SAP for students whose most recent Pennsylvania State Grant(s) was received while at another institution. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that an official transcript from a prior institution(s) is mailed to the Financial Aid or Registrar's Offices. Pennsylvania State Grant received 10 or more years prior to the current academic year are exempt from the Pennsylvania State Grant SAP review. 

有关宾夕法尼亚州立助学金满意学业进步政策的更多信息, visit www.pheaa.org 或致电1-800-692-7392与宾夕法尼亚州立资助计划联系. 


Any student who receives an athletic scholarship while attending Seton Hill University is bound by the NCAA Division II academic progress regulations. 该政策规定,全日制学生每学年必须至少获得24个学分. A minimum of 9 of these credits (24) must be earned during each of the traditional academic calendar terms (fall and spring). It is permissible to earn the deficient credits in a summer term as long as the deficient credits do not total more than 6. All athletic scholarship recipients are required to maintain good academic standing at the end of each term of study. NCAA eligibility requirements are evaluated at the end of each term by the NCAA faculty representative and the Compliance Office. Appropriate notification will be sent to any student-athlete who fails to meet the required standards and the consequences thereof. 

任何有关NCAA资格的问题都应直接向执行体育总监克里斯·斯奈德咨询, (724) 830-1895 or csnyder@cookbookss.com.



In accordance with the United States Department of Education (USDOE) Seton Hill University has established a Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) which commenced with the 2011-2012 academic year. This federally mandated policy establishes the guidelines and regulations under which a student may continue to receive federal student financial aid. 


  • 联邦直接无补贴贷款
  • 联邦直接毕业生加贷款

The policy mandates a review of a student's attempted and earned credits as well as the cumulative GPA at the conclusion of each term (fall, spring, and summer). All students who are or might be eligible for federal aid will be reviewed and evaluated each term by records in the Registrar's Office. 这一SAP政策适用于所有在澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台继续研究生. 


  1. 平均绩点(质素标准)
    Cumulative 2.5 GPA at the end of each term

  2. 累计获得学分/累计尝试学分(数量标准)
    Students are required to earn 67% of all credits attempted to meet the requirements of the quantitative standard of the federal SAP policy. All courses with a passing or failing grade will be counted as credits attempted as well as all courses with a designation of W, WF, WP, I, P, 在西顿·希尔的成绩单上. 所有通过的课程将被计入学分. At the end of each term (fall, spring, and summer), 每个学生都有一个完成率(获得的学分数/尝试的学分数)。. 

为了满足SAP政策的要求,学生必须满足上述两个标准. Students who meet both requirements will be considered to be in compliance with the federal SAP policy to receive aid for the subsequent term.

All students who fail to meet either of the SAP standards at the end of a term will receive a "Financial Aid Warning" letter from the Financial Aid Office. 这封信将通过电子邮件和美国邮政发送到永久家庭地址. 这些学生在下一个学期将继续有资格获得联邦援助. 在下一个学期结束时, 如果学生没有达到SAP的标准, 她/他将收到书面通知,说明他/她不符合标准的原因, the consequences (i.e.(失去联邦资助),以及学生有哪些选择.

Any student who fails to meet the SAP standards after this "warning" term will again be notified by letter by the Financial Aid Office. 学生有权对其SAP不合格提出上诉. 有关如何上诉的细节将包括在信中. 学生将被要求以书面形式说明未能达到要求标准的原因.g., death of a close relative, injury, illness, or other extraordinary circumstances that prevented the student from attending classes and/or successfully completing the coursework). The student must also state what has changed or will change that will enable her/ him to meet the SAP standards at the next evaluation. This appeal must be submitted within 5 days of receipt of the notification letter of failure to meet the SAP requirements. 学生还必须向财政援助办公室提交证明文件, Seton Hill University, Greensburg, pa15601的相关情况未能取得令人满意的进展. 文件可以包括医疗人员的陈述等项目, 医疗机构的记录, 了解情况的教员或管理人员的陈述, etc. 


  • Appeal Approval - If the appeal is approved, 该学生将获得经济援助试用期,并有资格在随后的一个学期获得联邦援助. 作为上诉批准的一部分,学生将被要求满足特定要求(例如.g., 与顾问定期安排会议, program directors, usage of the Writing Center, enrollment in specific courses, etc.)所有这些规定将在批准通知中明确说明. 

  • Appeal Denial - If the appeal is denied, the student will be notified in writing as to the reason for the denial and what options are available to the student for future coursework. 联邦援助将不会继续,直到在未来的任期内达到SAP标准. 

Any questions on the federal financial aid SAP policies should be directed to the Financial Aid Office (724-830-1010) located in room 104 of the Administration Building. 请注意,这是一个财政援助满意的学术进步政策. 西顿希尔大学的“良好学术地位”政策可以在 Seton Hill University Catalog.

We're Here to Help! 随时致电或发电子邮件,以获得有关费用,入学或经济援助的问题的答案: HelpFinReg@cookbookss.com or (724) 830-1010.